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Carlisle Trail Hiker Award

Page history last edited by Lisa 3 years, 6 months ago


Carlisle Trails Committee - Trekker Award

   Sponsored by the Carlisle Trails Committee

      Carlisle, MA - USA



To expand the awareness of and interest in Carlisle’s many public lands, the Trails Committee encourages everyone to use the town’s many hiking trails. To this end we have created a Trekker Award for those who hike most of the trails in town.
The award includes a specially designed sewn patch, a sequentially numbered certificate, and a winner announcement in the Mosquito, at our Old Home Day Booth, and on this website's Trekker Award Recipients page.



Here are the rules:

1. The award program is open to all Carlisle residents.
2. This is a fun activity for the entire family and operates on the honor system.
3. You must have hiked (jogged, snowshoed, skied, rode in backpack, rode in stroller) the trails listed in the log.
4. You must fill in the information requested in the log for each trail hiked.
5. You must complete one session of volunteer work on a town-wide work day sponsored by the Carlisle Trails Committee.
6. You must come to any Carlisle Trails Committee meeting with log to receive the award. Please notify the Committee in advance so that we may prepare your certificate.



How to get started:

Obtain a copy of the log from any Carlisle Trails Committee member, from the latest copy of the "Trails in Carlisle" Trail Guide, or download from Trails In Carlisle Trekker-log 2018.pdf  and start trekking! A more detailed Excel spreadsheet version of the trekker log may be downloaded from Carlisle Trekker Award Log 2018.xlsx.

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